Thursday, November 10, 2016


Kassandra Sanchez

“Go Back To Your Country”

“Go back to your country, you’re stealing our jobs, our lives, our freedom”- every ignant ‘educated’ ‘qualified’ American ever. It seems as though everyone has something to say about immigration nowadays. From those who bathe in dirt to those who bathe in riches. This debate is ongoing and will probably never stop being spoken about. Some say ,that this country was built on the back of immigrants others would object and claim that America belongs to americans not ‘aliens’. In this PB I will be identifying the different players that are involved in this ongoing debate. Also, the organizations and different people that are impacted by this issue . With the help of Shelly Reid’s “Critical Reading Guide”.
Mexicans are the poster children of americans views on immigrants. They are also one of the key players among this debate as they are always being pointed at and mocked. Anglo Saxon southerners are usually the owners of the pointing hand. Making them the other key players to the situation. Notice how I used the word “Anglo Saxon” instead of white or caucasian. I've used this to point out the fact that these people do descend from immigrants who migrated to the states for a plethora of reasons. Just like the Mexican people who in many cases sacrifice their lives to provide a better home, education, lifestyle and environment for their families. But these are just my views on the subject.
Not all southern Anglo Saxon’s think or act the same. Some don't really care about immigrants and their place in society. While others feel strongly about the subject and make it a point for their voice to be heard. “Wetback, Jumping Bean” All though this may sound very vulgar to a northerner it's a very common term used to refer to a Mexican American in the south. In the north “Immigrants” aren’t judged as much instead they’re encouraged. Jobs are scarce in some regions and I understand that. Immigrants will work jobs in any condition for lower wages ultimately taking jobs everywhere because they will do anything. The frustration mixed with anger is relatable, I would hate for a job to be taken from me by someone who isn’t qualified. Yet it’s still not right to blame people who want to make money and live a steady life just as you want to do.
In my personal experience have never seen a Mexican beg for money. Neither have I heard of them living off of government services. Instead you see them at Home Depot trying to find work. Or selling tortas and quesadillas just to bring home money to feed their own children. It’s hard to live below the ‘resident’ status in a country that claims to be run by the people and adhere to everyone’s voice yet does not allow them to speak. A actress on the famous show “Orange is The New Black” is the daughter of immigrants. She one day came home from highschool to find that her house was empty. She had to find out from a neighbor that her parents were deported. They screamed at officers to allow them to contact her school to talk to her, but they were denied because, they're not ‘american’. So she spent years being tossed around from foster home to foster home. This just goes to show what immigrants go through in the ‘land of the free’.
One question that has yet to be answered is “what would happen to businesses if their workers are deported?” Many CEO’s and Investors tend to hire Mexicans to work for lower wages when building and running a business. But what will happen if they’re deported? I feel like they would probably crumble. If you have a constant working flow of workers who you're paying under the minimum wage gap and they are suddenly taken, you have to find others who will give the same attitude and effort for the same price. Which isn't likely at all. Instead wages will have to be higher and benefits would be implemented. Costing the business owner thousands of dollars ultimately destroying his business from the inside out.
In conclusion, although my mind was set on defending one side of the argument, my eyes were kinds opened to what the other side may be feeling. Using the “Doubting and Believing” strategy really did help me write. And it’s made my argument a lot stronger. Now I can definitely say ‘this country was built on the back of immigrants’ with confidence. Im not saying that im right nor that im wrong. I'm just stating what I believe is to be “self evident that all men are created equal”. Disagree with me if you want but make sure to see both side of this argument then think again.


  1. Kassy,

    I'm gonna keep this short'n'sweet: you're doing A+ work. Keep it up.


  2. Hi Kassandra, I love your piece; interesting topic and I like the way you analyzed it from different approaches. Index your paragraph the next time.
