Friday, November 25, 2016

Thlog #3

Dear Blog,

      These past couple of weeks have been insane. With the septa strikes and the election happening it's crazy. Yet our classes have still been going on consistently. And we've also been working really hard. Recently we've had to work on our PB2A's and PB2B's and it's pretty crazy how much more simple yet complicated its gotten. Lately I've been suffering from severe authors block (sounds like a sickness I know). I've tried various amounts of times to write and complete my assignments to its fullest potential. But I still feel a bit weary about it. I feel as though they aren't my best pieces of writing. My WP1, PB1A and PB1B were extremely good so it's pretty hard  I've found that the best way to concentrate on my writing is just to pick a topic that I find interesting then sit down and research other essays that may argue or support your views on the topic then begin. We've also been concentrating more on views of people from different disciplinary perspectives. (That consists of Buisness, Social Sciences, Natural Science and The Humanities.) Which has been a little difficult yet interesting. And detecting moves in different types of writing is a skill that we've been practicing too. I honestly didnt know that a authors choice of inserting things into a piece of writing would be referred to as a 'move'. Now that I understand and am able to decypher moves I look for it in every piece of writing that I read. It's pretty awesome if you ask me. Its really gonna help me in my writing for WP2. And I'll make sure to constantly mention it in my essay also. Overall ive learened alot in these past weeks and I cant believe that this semester is coming to an end so soon.It's only felt like days have passed. 

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