Sunday, October 16, 2016

Thlog #1

Dear Thlog,

Although I've taken  AP Language in high school, I was never able to dissect rhetorical analysis's. It's
always been my least favorite kind of paper to write. But with these examples and everything else were learning in class. It is slowly but surely becoming easier to write them. Usually when I write i take on a very narrative/ first person tone. And with first person tone comes first person point of view. It totally screws up my writing. Especially with an essay that I can use the words "I, us and we". Is there any way for me to stop thinking in a first person perspective?  Because I've tried my hardest yet its almost like my hands have a mind of their own.

P.S: I'm writing this in diary form because I feel like it lol.

Kassandra Sanchez

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