Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Thlog #2

Dear Thlog,

   "Shelley's Quick Guides for Writing Teachers" is honestly a gift from god because it's helping me alot! As I read through the pages it seems like all the questions i've been trying to differentiate in writing has finally been answered. In my personal opinion I think the best strategy from this reading is of the "Case Study Reflection". It not only allows the reader to think about the current topic but it also allows us to be creative because it does include 2 free writes. I find this to always be helpful. Although i've adopted other habits in reading and analyzing. When this one was introduced to me in highschool it allowed my creative and strong-willed voice to be heard. This is gonna help me alot with my "Rhetorical Analysis" paper. I'm definitely gonna study my genre in great detail then freewrite. And from my free write i'll take ideas and concepts and shape them into a well thought out paper.
This week has honestly been kinda confusing. Both PB1B and WP1 have been throwing me off. Although we’ve been talking about it in class. I’ve still somehow found a way to confuse myself with it. Genre is a large topic especially in this class. So there is a lot to choose from when we're talking about it. It’s so simple that it's difficult. My issue has been with finding valid ‘perspectives’ about the genre. Most of them are usually articles. I just want my paper to seem creative and stand out. So what should I look for? Should I include more tweets or facebook posts? I'm just curious, if you have any suggestions please let me know! It’ll help me out.
Other than that everything's going great in this class. And this ‘thlog’ at first is pretty hard but as soon as you begin having a flow to your writing everything becomes easier.  

Kassy <3

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