Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thlog #4

Dear Blog:

I hope you don't mind if I rant a bit to you. Well this week has been very hectic. With turning in our 
WP2's and getting started on our portfolios and all of these strikes going on after the election. it's 
been a very stressful week. And were slowly but surely approaching our last week of classes. 
Although I never tend to be stressed or frustrated with having lots of work to do. I've found myself 
stressing a lot! To the point where I've had run ins with writers block. It's so annoying!! I cant believe that I'm going through it again. But on a brighter side I'm extremely happy about everything I've done in class. I feel as though I have grown as a writer and as a lover of literature. I'm so glad that I did 
take AP Language in high school because it's made this class way easier to understand. It's almost as 
if everything I've learned in the class falls into place. It keeps me motivated. And the fact that I do get excited to write my papers makes it even better. Even though it's difficult and stressful right now, it's 
definetly gonna pay off in the future. Especially since I want to be a neonatal nurse. Vocabulary and 
being able to write correctly and with sense is extremely important in the medical field. I mean sure I 
get mad sometimes especially when Z criticizes some of my writing, but i make sure not to take it 
harshly because you're just trying to make us better. And I appreciate it. Earlier I mentioned the portfolio and -although im gonna be talking about it in my next thlog- it's a huge project. Legit the instructions really confuse me even though it was explained plenty of times. I guess im just very nervous about messing up on this since my WP2 wasnt as good as I wanted it to be. But this is a huge opportunity to re-create or re-write my WP2! Hopefully writers block doesnt hit me when I begin to look over my failure and frankenstein it. Stay tuned to my next thlog which will mostlikely be a rant about the portfolio and reflection. And wtf is up with this complicated revision matrix? 😭 Maybe im just over reacting or im just being dramatic. But has anyone else noticed how complicated it is!?

Hopefully i'll survive. Wish me luck.

Kassandra Sanchez

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