Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Thlog #5

Dear Blog,

OH MY GOD. We're almost finished our class. This is my second to last blog too 😝. It's been a very long 10-weeks and I've surprisingly made friends within that short time; given my sarcastic strange personality. But the last week of school means two things. Portfolios and Finals. They are possibly the most dreadful things to think about right now. I know the final is gonna be fairly simple because I understand everything going on in the class already. Yet I cant help but feel nervous about it. Then there's the portfolio. Oh how I dread it. It's possibly the most complicated thing we've done in this class soo far! I guess i'm just not good at managing documents and papers as i thought I was. It includes the revise and original WP1 and WP2's. Which is a long process. It also includes the revision matrix and metacognative essay. Which I didn't even know what that meant until a couple days ago and by looking it up on google consistently. It seems so simple if you think about it. And maybe i'm just being over dramatic. But DAMN it's hard ! Like what in the world goes through your mind Zack? 😓. But it's something that has to get done and i'm gonna complete it to my fullest. I know that today i'm gonna get right to typing and editing and completing what I need to do. ESPECIALLY THAT EXTRA CREDIT! You're legit the only teacher I know that has given extra credit so far and I hope to see more teachers like you. *wipes a tear*. I'm actually still a little confused about the revision matrix. Are we suppose to introduce it separately or within another page? It's really messing with my head. It's also confusing me at the same time. Am I over thinking it ? Am I the only one thinking about this? So far i've tried to star my reflection essay but nothing is coming to me. Hopefully i'll be able to finish it before this is all due because if I don't I know i'm going to really freak out! Im just trying to enjoy our last days of class and stay as calm as possible. *note to self, stay calm*

I'll probably be freaking out in my next blog. But I enjoy talking my mind. It's pretty LIT.

Kassandra Sanchez

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